p r o d u c e r
c o m p o s e r
a r r a n g e r
s o n g w r i t e r
s i n g e r
a c a p p e l l a
音樂製作人、作曲人、歌手及無伴奏合唱演出者,畢業於美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校 (音樂學士,主修作曲、副修聲樂) 及香港中文大學 (音樂文學碩士)。
回港後參與不同作曲、編曲及製作工作,曾參與多名歌手演唱會及唱片的籌備和製作,當中包括張敬軒、容祖兒、林一峰、盧冠廷、林二汶等。另亦曾與不同機構合作,例如香港中樂團、香港藝術節 「無限亮」、一舖清唱、新世紀青年管弦樂團、香港青年協會、香港青年藝術協會、唯獨舞台、新鴻基地產ICC聲光耀維港等,分別擔任作曲、編曲及音樂統籌工作。
洪氏於二零一九年十月亦參與了林一峰 x MYO 《九龍之子音樂傳記》 音樂會的編曲工作,其中作品包括世界首演 《世界中心繼續轉》。於二零二零年洪氏亦獲香港青年協會邀請合作,為香港藝術館其一展覽《自在風景》編寫原創無伴奏合唱新曲。亦於二零二一年為「一念一花」 慈山寺x香港中樂團x3香港 5G 4K直播音樂會編下 由古巨基先生演唱《花灑》一曲。
洪氏同為一名歌手,曾參與不同商業廣告演唱及流行曲和音工作,當中包括全民造星 4 主題曲 《前傳》、AIA 愛在當下微電影3、Archie 冼靖峰 《一個人的幸運》、許廷慳《最後一對北極熊》和盧冠廷《快樂老實人》等。並於二零二一年尾於各大串流平台推出第一首個人作品《別害怕當簡單的你》,並將於二零二二年推出更多個人作品。
曾為香港專業無伴奏合唱組合 「吾聲 (VSing)」 主唱成員之一,曾分別在香港和海外參與各類大小型公開演出和私人活動演出,當中包括2018 廣州春節晚會「闔府統請歡樂年」,陳柏宇 Not Alone Live 演唱會2018。 由康樂文化事務署文化節目組主辦的大型無伴奏合唱音樂會《隆重登唱》等。今年亦以客席藝術家身份參演由本地無伴奏合唱劇團 「一舖清唱」與香港中樂團合作的「樂・融・榮」社區音樂會 《樂到病除》。
"I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."
- Philippians 4:13
Ivy Hung is a music producer, composer, singer and a cappella artist. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Composition from University of California, San Diego (Minor in Vocal) and Master of Arts Degree in Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Since back to Hong Kong, she has been taking part in many different music production works. Artists that she has worked with include Hins Cheung, Joey Yung, Chet Lam, Lowell Lo, Eman Lam etc. She has composed, arranged and helped in music coordination works for different organisations and occasions such as the The Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Art Festival No Limits, Yat Po Singers, The Millennium Youth Orchestra, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, the ICC Light and Music Show, etc.
In 2019, she has taken part in Chet Lam x MYO <Son of Kowloon Music Journey> concert orchestral arrangement works, of which one of the pieces was the world-premiere 《世界中心繼續轉》 In 2020, Hung was commissioned by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to compose an a cappella piece <Five Senses at HKMoA: Floating A Cappella>for one of the exhibits “The Breath of Landscape” at the Hong Kong Art Museum. Recently, she has been honoured to be arranging 《花灑》performed and sung by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and Mr Leo Ku at the Universe in a Flower 5G 4K Live Streamed Concert .
Hung is also active in the local scene as a singer. She has participated in numerous commercial jingle singing, backing vocals and demo singing projects. Some of her representative works are the theme song of the reality TV Show "King Maker IV", the theme song of AIA’s “Love is in Every Moment” Episode 3, Archie 冼靖峰 《一個人的幸運》、許廷慳《最後一對北極熊》和盧冠廷《快樂老實人》etc. Recently, Hung has released her first original single <Be a Simple You> on all major music streaming platforms, and will be releasing more originals in 2022.
Previously a resident member of a professional a cappella group in Hong Kong, VSing, Hung had performed with the group at various large-scaled events such as 2018 Guangzhou New Year’s Gala, 2018 Jason Chan Not Alone Live Concert and “Take A Bow: A Cappella” presented by the Cultural Presentations Section of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. While still being very much passionated about a cappella performance, Ivy was invited to perform with Yat Po Singers, a local a cappella theatre company, and the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra at the Music Integrates - Community Concert.